Sunday, November 27, 2011

Holiday Comedy Hour

Hello everyone!

I'm sure that just like me the holidays are taking you by storm.  Prepping for Thanksgiving, Black Friday (if you're brave enough to try), and all the other days before Christmas kicked or are currently kicking some ass.  I'm totally whipped and so ready for things to settle into a nice, normal, zen like, non-threatening, non-holiday routine.  I can't wait to go shopping (leisure time) and not have a stalker follow me in the parking lot. 

This happens all the time during the holidays and 1 of 2 things happen.  #1 - you're on the way to your car, getting ready to leave and you have a car inches away from your heels trying to follow you to your car.  A fun way to mix things up is to "forget" where you parked you car.  Start crossing between rows and make a show on looking confused.  Another good way to just have some fun is to stop the car that's following you and ask if they've seen your car.  Give the discription of the most popular car make and model that's around you.  Recently my make believe car has been a Ford Flex or a Honda CR-V.  #2 - You see a person starting to pull out a parking space.  After a quick scan and finding the row empty of competing vehicles, you turn on your blinker and wait.  As you turn into the parking space another vehicle races toward you with killing intent.  I have, on a number of occasions, been afraid they would plow right through me to get in the parking space before me.  With the knowledge that you have secured your parking space, you go about your business of getting out of the car and walking.  Scary factor of the #2 reason for parking lot stalking.  The competing vehicle stalks you until they find an opening.  The opening is when you try to cross from one side of the parking row to the other.  This is when they race to intercept you and proceed to make a scene and look stupid.  I've been called all kind of things during the Holiday season and all of it taken with a grain of salt.  By yelling, I'm guessing, they try to prove a point that they saw the parking space first (clearly they need flashback glasses).  They will proceed to scream obscene phrases and names proving (at the very least) that they are creative.  Then they give the finger and tire squeal off into the sunset pissed and snorting fire.  My favorite thing to do is interrupt them in the middle of their long winded insult and wish them a Merry Christmas and tell them that I hope Santa can help cure their tourette's.  Gets them every time!

During this time of volatile human temperament, find the time to make fun of it all.  Even if it's at yourself.  It does wonders for the soul to make light of a usually ugly situation.

On another note, this Holiday season I plan to put up as many reviews as I can.  They are not going to be in any particular order, but if they do come sold in a kit or set the reviews will be consecutive until the kit or set is fully reviewed.  An example of this is when I review Shunga's Garden of Edo Organic Collection Set I will introduce them and then review them separately until the full set is complete.  Copacetic?  No disputes?  Wicked.  Moving on!

If there is anything that you do have questions about or I haven't come up with a review yet that you want to see, please contact me via email.  Some products I don't have, but I will do my best to accommodate any questions.  If I can't answer them I will have find other blogs, articles or videos that help answer your question.

As I'm sure your going to hear all through Christmas into New Years, have a Happy Holiday and a Merry Christmas.  More importantly, have fun! 


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