Dear Santa,
I know this year has not been my year for glory or crowing achievements, but I know I have been nice as well as lucky. I've won a lot of free goodies this year Santa and I thought that I would share what I thought about them to anyone who wants to read about it. With that being said, I've been lucky with things that in the long run really doesn't matter. Especially if your always alone. Santa, if you could grant my wish, would you please give me a chance at real love? I know I'm not asking for my normal gift of books, but this is something that I really want.
I never think you're too old to stop believing in the things you believed in when you were a kid. I believe in love and I believe in you, but I won't stop believing in either if you can't make my Christmas wish come true. If all you can do is try, I'll be happy with that.