Now normally I would jump at the mint flavor gloss since I love those them most since they tingle. However, KamaSutra advertise these as tingly and the box mentions a "warming glow" so I figured I would try something I normally wouldn't. I usually tread carefully when it comes to scented lip products. I get headaches really easy when a scent is off. I can't use Burt's Bees chapsticks, SoftLips, and some Blistex products. Major bummer, but there is such a large market for lip products that I'm not worried. I ended up getting the strawberry flavor and I'm really pleased. The scent has a distinct smell of what I recall most artificial strawberry scents smell like. Not unpleasant, but it doesn't smell real. What of the taste? There is no flavor. If there is my tongue can't tell. It has a super mild sweetness to it and I have to work really hard to taste it, but I'm glad it doesn't really taste like anything.
The color of the gloss is a light strawberry color and I swear I can see a tiny bit of pink-ish color on my lips even though they advertise it as a colorless gloss. Not a big deal since it's not a BAM! in your face pink. When you apply it, you will notice that over a few minutes your lips getting more of a darker pink (or a darker shade of your natural lip color) and obviously more pouty. When I put the gloss on I noticed at first that it felt warm. After about 30 seconds I felt a tingle that felt like prickles or little bug feet. Bug feet? Gross and not very classy, but there you go. After about a minute it went away and it felt lukewarm. Doesn't really take long for the intense tingle to go away. If you swatch the gloss on the back of your hand, you'll find it to be rather sticky and not tingle at all. When you apply it to your lips it's super silky and just glides on. It's really moisturizing and last longer than any gloss I've ever used. I can wear it for hours and never feel the need to reapply. Perhaps it lasts longer because it's a thicker gloss.
To the amusement of almost everyone I know, I always get curious about the viscosity of my glosses and I will (without fail) turn my gloss tubes upside down. Why? No idea, but I do know that this stuff didn't budge one millimeter. I've had some glosses come rushing out of the tubes and it get over everything. Another major plus this gloss has that most of the others I own don't have is that the wand goes almost to the very bottom of the tube. You can get the maximum amount of the product without having to resort to silly antics when it's almost gone. The cap screws on super tight and there is no seeping gloss around the edges. That means no wayward gloss making your purse sticky!
On an unrelated note about the gloss and it might just be mine, but there seems to be little "fibers" in the gloss. That's as good as I can describe it. I just held it up to my desk lamp and saw all these little things inside the tube and thought it might just be scratches on the inside of the tube. Not the case. It could be from the wand tip or purposely put there. I'm not really sure how to explain it, but if you want to buy these you can ask about fibers in the gloss and see what Kamsutra says. I would be interested to know.
Anyway, this gloss prices $15.99 at KamaSutra and at EdenFantasys. It's really high for a gloss. Not saying that Nars, MAC or YSL aren't expensive, but you know your buying a high end and good quality product when you buy those brands. So KamaSutra, really? $15.99? You can do better than that! I can justify $10, but I find it to be rather expensive for a tasteless, artificial strawberry smelling, plumping gloss. Do I love the feel of it one my lips? Oh, yeah and I wear it everyday because I love it so much. Would I get this again? Maybe. If the price goes down? Totally would buy it again!!
If anyone is wondering about using this with your partner, really think about it. This gloss feels great to the person wearing it, but it might feel horribly gross to the other person. I plan to use this for my use only and as a weapon in my flirty "come get me boys" arsenal. Not for bedroom activities. That's just my personal preference.
I also want everyone to know that I did have to go through the buying process with KamaSutra, but they sent me a $20 gift card to use in their store after I wrote on their Facebook page how much I love the new website layout. So I really didn't pay for any of it, but still had to look through their products for what I wanted. Use your judgement when buying this and read more reviews about it. You might find that you don't want it and if you do get it against your better judgement you'll just be pissed that you could have spent $15.99 on another product you wanted.
*Photo taken directly from the KamaSutra website.
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