When you get your package either through the mail or from a shop, there will be a plastic bag inside the tin that holds the Honey Dust. With that being said you can do one of two things. #1: Empty the plastic bag full of the dust directly into the tin. #2: Empty plastic bag full of dust into the satin bag. If your like me, you'll find that the tin is so much better for the Honey Dust than the satin bag. The tin is air tight when you press firmly down on the lid and it can hold the full amount of Honey Dust. Nothing can get in. If you do by chance want it in the bag I have to ask why. To me it would seem like your wasting your product. The bag is not air tight, the bag is black and you will be able to see all the white dust that falls on it, and objects can end up inside the bag (dust bunnies, bugs, etc.). Oh, and you can fit the feather duster inside the tin space to actually get the dust product on the body. Where as if you use the bag the space is smaller and the feathers might not get product on them at all. Note that you don't store your feather duster in the same container as the dust. I think that's what the bag is meant for, but to each there own.
You might be wondering what the Honey Dust is made of since you can kiss and lick it and not die. Simple. It's made of corn starch, natural honey, fructose, (for the one I own) honeysuckle and other body safe things. Not very scientific I know, but that's how it is sometimes. I do know that if you want to know the all the ingredients you can contact KamaSutra and they can give you the list of ingredients. I've never really worried about it, but you might. Moving on!
When you look at the dust itself you might notice that for the most part there is no color. Who would want colored body dust anyway? There are little honey colored dots in the dust, but I think that's because it's actual honey. The taste of it is sweet and the smell is fragrant, but not a "BAM! in your face" kind of way. I have the Sweet Honeysuckle and it's smells and tastes like I what remember real honeysuckle smells and tastes like. Maybe that's why I bought this particular one. A bit nostalgic, but can help make new memories.
When you apply it to the body use the feather duster. If you loose the duster, you can purchase body puffs from websites like Etsy or find one by surfing the web. The feather duster is easier than a puff, but both have their flaws. The duster is quick to pick up the Honey Dust, it's easy to get the dust on the body, it tickles and entices the skin, and the duster is made well enough that it won't fall apart in your hands. One down side is that you need to buff the dust into the skin using small circles so it's only a light coating of Honey Dust and not a splotch of it. Light coasting tastes good. Splotch of dust doesn't tastes all the good. The puff is a wonderful idea for those who want ultra quick application. Just make sure the puff can fit within the tin (or bag if you choose to use it) so that it can pick up the product. You need to be careful about the puff. It can be more messy and you have a greater chance of getting splotches of dust. All you need to do if that happens, just drag the puff through the splotch and it should defuse the dust into a light coating. The puff feels wonderful being pushed across the skin if it's soft. So invest in a nice soft puff. If you just want to use this a body powder, that's fine too. I often use it when I get out of the shower (please be completely dry, if not you'll have matted dust on everything) as a light fragrance and it helps when your out in the heat and you're sweating. You might think that if you sweat it will get sticky, but that's not the case. It might be because it's mostly corn starch, but I like using it under my breasts and on my thighs during the summer months. You also might think it feels grainy since there is sweetener in it, but it makes the skin feel super soft and silky. If you use any makeup at all, it can be compared to a translucent setting powder.
I really love this product because it can be used solo or with your partner. It smells good, tastes great and makes you feel desirable. If you think that spending $23.99 for this is too much let me tell you this. I bought this a year or so ago and I still have a lot on Honey Dust inside the tin. It lasts forever, but if you have a honey who has a sweet tooth it might not last as long. If your a woman, I think this will make you feel sexy and powerful because that's how I feel when I wear this. I feel like saying, "come and get me boys" because I have power over my body and the Honey Dust just makes me feel like a woman and not a mousy book worm that I normally am. If your a man, you might like the Honey Dust because it might bring out a softer, more sensual side that women love.
*Photo taken directly from the KamaSutra website
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