Sunday, January 8, 2012

JimmyJane Massage Stones

As you read you can see I was super happy and having a good day.  That rapidly changed while I was writing this, but at least I managed to post it even if it was a few day later than when I started.  Please forgive any misspelling and grammar errors. 



Bonjour everone!

I don't speak French by any means, but this morning is a good morning!  It's a crisp 40 degrees in the Sunshine State and I'm ready to drink large amounts of hot tea and write a few reviews.  I thought that since no one wants to see anything in particular that I would review JimmyJane's Contour M, I and Q.  These are premium massage stones that I think everyone should own.

I'm going to start with the Contour M since I find this to be the most versatile.  As the name implies, the massage stone is in the shape of an "m".  I see the "m" shape, but I think it looks more like a jellyfish than a letter.  However, that's just me.  Moving on!  I find this to be the most ergonomic massage stone I have ever had the pleasure of using and it can be used to massage in 1 of 3 ways.  The first is the most natural feeling because you place the curve of the stone in the palm on your hand and use the feet to massage.  Using it this way makes it easy for even pressure and keeps you from being too harsh.  You can use the stone this way all over the body and it feels heavenly.  The second way you can use this is by flipping it over so that the feet are in the palm of your hand.  This is wonderful because this way you can add more pressure and try to work out tight muscles.  I find that it feels the best on the lower back because if curves so easily.  The last way you can use this is by tilting the stone so that you're using only 1 of the feet.  By using only 1 foot you can target problem areas and really work them out.  Use caution because you can put a lot of force behind the stone and hurt or bruise the person who is getting the massage.  Be deliberate, firm, but in control.  Also be aware that this is the heaviest of the massage stones.

The next best massage stone is the Contour I.  This massage stone is shaped like a dumbbell and is lighter than the Contour M.  This stone have a lot of uses and it all comes down to what you want to use it for.  I like using it for targeting muscles.  You can also lay it flat and roll it on the body, but I find that it doesn't really feel like anything.  You can't put a lot of pressure when you roll it, so using one of the ends is better.  It's very easy to hold and it takes very little pressure to get the effect you want.

There is also the Contour Q.  This is currently not sold on the JimmyJane website, but I think they plan to sell them in the next few months.  In the mean time, you can find them on other websites.  The one thing that is kind of cool is that you get 2 massage stones when you buy the Contour I.  One has ripples and the other has bumps.  These are wicked awesome on the feet.  I love to place them on the floor and push my feet back and forth on them to make them roll.  It feels so good at the end of the day.  If you do this make sure the stones are on carpet or on a towel.  Rolling them on a hard surface might damage the stones or your floor.  Neither sound good.

Each Contour is sold separately and are all $25 (the Contour I might be sold at $15 for a short time) at JimmyJane with the exception the Contour Q.  All the massage stones are made out of porcelain and are non porous.  This makes it perfect for when you clean them.  While I suggest that you do clean them, I don't suggest that you let them sit in any water for a long length of time.  I find that cleaning wipes are easy to clean them with, but a light rinse with soap and water is also fine.  There is also ways to use 2 massage stones at once.  The Contour M forms a cup and Contour I and Q fit in the void of the M.  The stones will make noise while they rub together, but the more massage oil you use the less noise they make.  On the subject of oils, I find that the JimmyJane products work the best with the stones.  The oil from the candles are perfect and also the Euphoric lotion (which I will review) are what I prefer because normal oils seems to be too runny and make a large mess.  You can also use the Contour M as a bowl for you massage oil so that you can dip your fingers in it and then rub with your hands.  I like doing that for the temples before flipping it over and using the left over oil for the massage.  For storage I would suggest a padded pouch or case.  I have mine (plus Euphoric Lotion) in a zippered case.  It works really well, but you want to make sure that you don't drop them or jostle them about too roughly.  Broken massage tools are useless so protect yous!

While these are pricey, they last forever and the look beautiful.  You can pack them away when they're not in use or you can put them in a basket and leave them on your bathroom counter or bedside table.  Like all JimmyJane products, you're getting superior quality and beauty that last.

-I did purchase one set of the massage stones, I did win another set of them in a giveaway.-

*pictures taken from JimmyJane website

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